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Overnight Away - Junior Cycle - Cork

  • Dunmahon Study Centre Cork, CO, T12 KHC1 Ireland (map)

Overnight Away - Junior Cycle - Limerick

Photo by Canva

Overnights Away can include the following: cooking, soccer, study, soup runs for the homeless, hikes, gardening, soft skills workshop (debating, public speaking), leadership courses, movie nights, get-togethers, mentoring, teamwork, talks, karaoke nights and much more!

For more information and to register your son for this activity, contact Pat Gill on the phone: 086 7763364

Horizon is a programme, inspired by the teachings of St. Josemaria Escrivá, and the spirit of Opus Dei.

The Programme aims at helping secondary schoolboys to become:

  • Strong and well-grounded Catholics who have a real and deep friendship with Jesus Christ

  • Mature young men who are confident and content in their convictions and beliefs

  • Young men who work hard, and who are capable of responsibility and try to help those who are less well off.


Organised by Horizon Clubs

February 2

Beloved Volunteer - Soup Run February 2nd

February 21

Study Weekend - Senior Cycle - Laurel Lodge